Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Excavation, Continued

van onto the trailer an inch at a time until she was all the way on. Only then did I see for the first time just what nice shape she was in. Before hauling her home to Austin, we took a quick trip over to the original owners' home so that the entire family could say a last farewell to a van that had been in their family since 1964. As it turned out, they were as excited to see it go to someone who'd love it as much as their dearly departed grandfather did. I promised to send photos of the van's progress and thanked them for given me the opportunity to give some new memories to a van that had already given so many to them. The trip to Austin was uneventful, bringing a close to a long, but satisfying day. On the ride home, Drew and I talked about how neat it would be to honor of the original owner, Earl Clements.

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